The other day we visited an old friend not seen for years, a singer, and I took her some old songs also not seen for years. On getting them ready I discovered the file for one had become quite corrupted. Fortunately I have a recording of it, and was able to reconstruct the score to "Riddle" by listening and transcribing.
Here, then, is the score to my Two Rakosi Songs, composed in 2003. You can listen to the first song, "Cenozoic Time," here; and you're welcome to download the score for nothing, and print it out if you like, and perhaps even sing it, or give it to someone to sing.
Last time I said I'd post my farewell column from my days on the Oakland Tribune here. It's occurred to me, though, that I really ought to ask permission to do that from the newspaper, and the person I need to talk to is apparently on vacation for another week, so that matter is going to have to wait. Sorry.
What is Being, as Carl asks.
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